Monday 5 November 2012

Capsule trip to Lava, Lolegaon, Rishyap and Gorumara/Murti

An introduction is customary, I believe. My name is Kaustuv Chakrabarti, 24 yrs of age and I was on  a trip to the mountains-forest with my parents.  We planned this trip 4 months beforehand, as we took the trip during the peak season. Needless to say it has been an amazing and exhilarating experience. I write my experience while it is still fresh, waiting for evening to come at the dining hall the forest Bungalow after check out from Murti( Our last destination). This is my experience –

Day 1 – Lava

Technical details –

We left Kolkata on Kanchankanya at 8:30 PM on Saturday (24th Oct, 2012). Having reached New Mal Jnc.  near around 9:30 AM, we Took a hired car at a bargained price of 1,200(they started from 1,500) on an Omni, which dropped us off at Lava at around 12:30 PM. We had a pre-booking at Hotel Himalaya. It is a good idea to pre-book a hotel, especially during the peak season, as there are very few standard hotels at Lava.  The room was a single room with a double bed and an extra cot. The total price was 1,200/- + 300/- (Extra Cot charge) .

Scenic beauty –

Lava is more or less a town just like Darjeeling, only much less crowded and a lot smaller. My trip from New Mal Jnc. mainly started off on plain lands with vast stretches of tea gardens on both sides. Goodricke, a renowned tea company, had most of these gardens booked. They also had their factory there, which happened to be on the way to lava. As we passed the factory, an intense, yet delicious smell of tea came flowing into our noses for a brief time.  As we started going up the slope, the sight of tea gardens gradually started changing into pine trees. The road was smooth at first but with increase in altitude, the road started getting more and more bumpy.
We had a clear view of the Kanchenjunga from our hotel. There was not much to do after reaching there. Water is very scarce over there. My dad and I went off for a little stroll in the evening at around 6:30 pm. The roads have light only as long as the cottages are present. Beyond the cottages it was just dark meandering roads and cliffs with shady trees. The moon was full that night and the mountain looked amazing under the moon light only. The cold environment added to the thrill. It was a sight worth seeing. Sadly the dimly lit roads could not be captured by my camera and so remains only in my memory.

Day 2 – Lolegoan Visit

Technical Details –

Our trip to Lolegaon began at 8 am and we were back at Lava by 1 pm. We did not stay at Lolegaon. However, that option is open if anyone would like to do so. On the way, we visited the Monastery at Lava and also a museum which contained an artificially created Neora Valley. The main attraction at Lolegaon is the Canopy walk, even though a portion of it has been broken off. Other than that, there is a view point from which Kanchenjunga can be viewed (not really a big deal). The whole trip cost us 1,200/- + 200 for the Lava portion.

Scenic Beauty-

The monastery at Lava was our first destination. It’s just like a normal monastery with monks roaming around and a Buddha temple. The cold and clean environment with flowery bordered path made this place special. After spending some time here, we went to the museum which was like a cave.  It was just like a ride at Nicco Park (an entertainment park at Kolkata, India) where you are put into an artificially created environment. It was a nice location to take pictures but not worth a lot of time. Having wrapped up this walk quickly we headed out for Lolegaon.
The trip to Lolegaon was quite bumpy. There was nothing new to watch, other than dense pine forest.  A walk through the forest would have been more thrilling but from the car it was same old same old. On reaching Lolegaon, there was a small cottage where we had our breakfast and started walking downhill through a forestry path. There were stone steps at intervals, which finally led us to the beginning of the canopy walk. It was strongly constructed wooden bridge which started as a steep slope leading us straight into the canopy. After that, it was more or less a straight walk and a new experience to see the trees so closely. The walk was not exactly at the canopy. It was around at half the tree length.  The shaking (yet sturdy) bridge was exciting and a fun experience. This is how the canopy walk looked like –

After taking a lot of pictures at the canopy walk, we headed off to the view point, which was actually a little boring, even though the whole valley could be seen from this viewpoint. We headed back to Lava after spending some time at this place.

Day 3 – Enter Rishyap

Technical Details –

We left for Rishyap at 11:30 am on a jeep and reached our destination at 12 PM. It was only a half an hour ride, but it was a ride that shook our innards completely. The ride cost us 550/-. We stayed at Neora Valley Resort. It was a very modern place with all kinds of facilities like gizer, TV, comods etc. I mention this because water and electricity is very scarce in the mountains and gizer is rarely available at the hotels. It’s mostly hot water in kettle at most places.  We stayed at a cottage (part of the resort), which cost us a total of 1,050/- + 100/- (extra person charge)

Scenic Beauty –

If you are a nature lover, strap yourself for a full length description, as scenic beauty does not get better than this. It was an exhausting yet energizing, an intoxicating yet purifying, an insatiable yet satiating experience. The jeep ride was the extremely jumpy, mainly because there WAS NO road. It was just boulders and rocks placed in a straight line. The road is very short and also can be walked.
When we reached out destination, it was actually a little surprising cause, all we could see were the hills and mountains all around and a small cottage in front of us. That is when I realized the true meaning of living on the mountains.  Our luggage was taken to our cottage, which was a based on European design. A picture can explain better –

Inside of the Cottage
The view from the front of the cottage comprised of mountains for as far as my sight went.  Towards the left was the Kanchenjunga, which somehow looked more beautiful, showing off its white façade and gracefully holding on to the little cotton clouds with its tip that tried to hop over its massive structure. The scene was exactly like an oil painting, with the white Kanchenjunga range at the background, the gray and shady mountains smothered with clouds in the middle and the green grassy and Forestry Mountains in the front.  This is a picture of the view from our cottage –

As I sat in the midst of nature, the sun hid itself by 4 pm, behind one of the mountains. With the sunrays gone, cold took its place. Within 30 min, the place where I sat went from warm to shivering cold, from light to twilight, from “just a t-shirt” to “full length hooded jackets” . That was the place to give into nature and to blend into it.
The nights at rishyap were very cold and dark. On looking out into the mountains, faraway places/towns appeared as little light bugs on bushes. The moon rose from the cleft between the mountains and flooded the whole valley with a dim light. It was a complete fairytale land experience here.

Day 4 – Delo and Kalimpong market

Technical Details –

Delo is a small place above kalimpong. There is a nicely decorated flower garden spread over some land. The whole trip to delo, Kalimpong market and back cost us 2200/- and took us around 6 hrs.

Scenic beauty-

The roads were nice and the view was back to pine trees. On reaching Delo, we strolled through the well decorated garden. There were certain benches present at the end of the cliff beyond which it was miles after miles of fall. A person, sitting on this bench could get a view from the Tista River at the bottom to the Kanchenjunga at the top.

That's me with the whole view in the background

We headed off to kalimpong after here. Not much scenic beauty there. What I found amusing was almost a score of school students in uniform heading towards or were returning from schools. We shopped a little at the market which was quite crowded. Finally, we headed back to Rishyap that slowly began to feel like home.

Day  5 – An early morning trek at the mountains and Murti

Technical Details-

Due to a chance encounter with a very energetic and determined person, who happened to stay at our neighboring cottage, I, along with a guide accompanied him to tiffindara, which is a sunrise point.  It was a 30min walk for a local, but for us it took almost an hour and 20 min. The guide charged us 200/-. We started off at 4 AM and came back by 7:30 AM. We checked out at 9:30 AM and reached Murti at around 1 PM. We checked into the forest bungalow by WBFDC where a well decorated cottage waited for us. The total cost for this place was 1,200/- per day.

Scenic Beauty-

The chance encounter on the previous day with a very lively personality brought about a little spicy twist in the plan. I woke up at 3:30 AM, freshened up , wore warm clothes and was all set for trekking. We began at 4 in the morning when the sun was still sleeping and the cold was at its maximum. The man, the guide and I, set out in the darkness, with the moon lighting portions of our way. This experience was so ravishing that this trek made my whole trip worth coming. The three of us walked through the stony path with the moon light showing us the way. The stony way ended soon after walking a certain distance and then began our walk between the trees. We walked; climbed; hopped; stopped; rested and then again walked. With hand torches lighted, we just made out what our surrounding was. It was a narrow path with steep cliffs on both sides, with the trees and bushes bent like in an ominous tale. Our footsteps echoed as we went on this wild odyssey. When we finally reached tiffindara, the sun had already begun to rise in the east. The sky had turned burgundy and far away Kanchenjunga stood with all its grandeur like a white princess with hundreds of minions surrounding her in a bowing posture. As the sun ascended over the heavenly steps, inundating the valley with the seven colors, the eastern sky lighted up. And then something happened which made my eyes glitter in wonder. The peaks of Kanchenjunga became red and gradually, flared up, as if it was on fire. A picture would help describe this even better.

Kanchenjunga burning at Sunrise

This beauty filled me with awe and made me wonder, how exquisite raw nature is; how magnificent this world was before men gradually wiped away nature for their own useL.
After returning, I prepared myself for another experience – The forest. We reached the forest bungalow at 12 in the noon. Our cottage was prepared for us before we even got there. It was a funny looking cottage, was actually a little cute. Here is a picture of the cottage- the cottage

Once at Murti, it was only rest. The temperature was back to 21®C. I slept for around 3 hrs in the afternoon. Towards the evening, my dad and I went for a walk. It was the scariest walk I had in the whole trip. The trees in the mountains, even though dark as they were, never scared me. The trees here, dark and dense, had evil written all over them.  As we walked through the dark roads, a car came in front of us announcing the sightings of a wild elephant at a nearby field. Although scared, we ventured off to find this elephant, but could not find it. We came back to the bungalow and heard some wild tales about the forest from the receptionist which gave me Goosebumps.

Day 6 – Murti and Gorumara Forest Safari

Technical details-

The booking for this safari was done at the reception of the Resort. A jeep was booked for 6 people. Since there were 3 of us, we had to share our drive with another family of 3. It cost us a total of 1,150/- inclusive of the vehicle charge. The safari included a visit to the Gorumara Forest, where we were taken to two view points, and then were taken to show a folk dance by local children at some distance from Gorumara.

Scenic Beauty-

After a lazy morning, the safari began at 3 PM. There were a few morning safaris too, but we chose the afternoon time. We reached the gates of the Gorumara National Park at 3:30 and after that it was just jungle everywhere. This being my first visit to an actual Forest, I was actually stunned to see how densely packed the terrain was with plants and trees. If one was to venture into these woods, he would have to cut his way through the forest. We were all warned beforehand that the nature’s beauty was guaranteed but the sighting of wild animals is not. And so it was. We saw no animals at first. The only things in surplus were the peacocks; almost 10000 of them, I heard. Here is a picture of the forest road -

On reaching the first view point which overlooked a vast area including the Murti river, we waited quietly (except was the occasional murmurs and the irritating shrill cries of the babies), hoping for some wild animals to show themselves. After waiting for some time, we saw a rhino, hidden far behind a bush. While we waited for it to come out, there were murmurs of sighting of a wild boar, at a faraway distance, which was crossing the river. We saw it cross the river and disappear into a nearby bush. Our gaze naturally went back to the half hidden rhino which still remained behind the bush. Bored, we headed off to the next viewpoint which had a few tamed elephants standing in the front. We took pictures and then looked out the second view point which was pretty much the same. We saw nothing and instead of wasting any more time here, we left the place. While returning, our paths crossed a certain corridor (an open path with lesser trees which some large animals use for passage) where we saw almost 5 bisons standing. Those were all the animals that we saw here.
The safari ended at 5:30 PM and we went to see the cultural program by the local children, where we relaxed, had tea and videoed the dance. To be honest, the dance was not anything spectacular, but it was a commendable effort by the underprivileged people/children of the village.  After the dance, we drove through a pitch dark highway (it was around 6:30pm) and returned to our respective resorts.

Day 7 – Way back to home

There isn’t much to describe here. We checked out at 11 AM and the departure of our train is at 6:40 pm (Kanchenkanya Express). So, as you can guess, we have a lot of time to kill. Waiting here at the dining hall, I decided to write down my whole trip, just to remind me later on how my trip was and also to let anybody, planning to take a trip to any of the places that I visited here, know the details beforehand.
Another thing that I’d like to add is the food cost, because it was something that we expected to be a little less. It was around 800/- per day for 3 people. This included a lunch (A veg thali with dal, rice and a side dish, and an extra egg plate), Dinner (Chapati and a side dish) and around 9 cups of tea/coffee.

Feel free to comment or ask any questions.



  1. can you tell me whether kalimpong - lava- lolegaon- rishop - murti would be a better option

  2. Well, there isn't really much in Kalimpong....1 day should be enough to cover up all places that u can go from here....I feel staying at lava or lolegaon is definitely would give you a more mountain feel...depends how much u like the mountains actually...

  3. Thank you very much for your post. This really motivates me to write more. But finding time these days is so difficult. I will definitely try to get back to writing. :)

  4. I am planning a trip from nzm to lava rishyap and then to murti. We have 5 days in hand excluding train travel... would that be enough ???? Can you please suggest the approximate budget

    1. Five days should be fine. Lava is more like a layover stop. You could actually do Lava/lolegaon in one day. If you are a mountain lover like me, I would recommend reserving more time for Rishyap. If you like the forest more, spend more time in Murti visiting many of the nearby forests. As for budget, I really don't know the current rates. But, to get a rough estimate, you can read the 'Technical Details' portion of the blog.

    2. Thank you so very much.... going through all the Google maps ... I wanted to ask whether I can go to rishyap and return back at the same day????
      I have kept a day for touring around rishyap but don't wish to stay there...

    3. Yeah. That's also possible. Actually people trek from Lava to Rishyap. Its a two hour trek by foot in one direction. So, a one day round trip is also possible. Just be careful to leave early and return early, as the sun goes down in the mountain very fast. And you don't want to be out in the mountains in the dark. Its far too dangerous.
