Monday 7 November 2011

The Good and Bad cycle of Life...

It is a well known fact that our lives are made up of alternate good and bad phases. During the good phase, everything said or everything done seems to fall rightly into place.Certain things even come unexpectedly and fits in such a manner as if it were meant to be.  Conversely, during the bad phase, everything somehow manages to go haywire and end up in an utter disaster. These two phases always keep interchanging in every person's life.

Inspite of the presence of both the phases, some people seem to be experiencing more of the good phase than the bad phase and vice versa. Now, why does this happen? One explanation can be that some people are luckier than the others and gets things exactly when and how they want it. Another explanation can be that for some, things are available before they even ask for it. However, this does not mean that these people don't experience bad in life. What I have deduced is that there is an average line to everything. This average is the actual level of goodness/badness which a person experiences in his/her life. To explain better I have made a graph as given below -

In this graph, we see, that two people have there average lines at two different levels. Person 1 experiences more good than person 2, for whatever reason possible. But does that mean that person 2 will always be at the same level below person 2? The answer to that is NO. Because, I believe, even after considering all the luck and good fate, one can always change these two parameters  through persistance and precaution, hence, increasing the good and reducing the bad, thereby raising the average line.  The reverse is also possible where when a person keeps doing more bad than good, his average line keeps going down. It can also be seen in the graph that the Person 1's bad is even better that Person 2's good. Now, this usually happens whenhappens

Thus, next time when you are happy, you can rest assure that something comparitively bad is gonna happen to you and when you are sad, something good will soon happen. Keeping this in mind take precaution, be diligent and you will have a better average line and consequently, a better life...

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