Sunday 31 August 2014

Astrology - To Believe Or Not To Believe, That Is The Question

Astrology has been one of the most debatable topics since the 17th century after the arrival of some ground breaking discoveries about the universe (source: Astrology). People were divided into two major categories, those who believed that the position of the stars affected our lives and those who believed that these were utterly rubbish and made no sense because they had no hard reasoning behind it. But, when you think about it, like accepting something just because it doesn't exist makes no sense, it also makes no sense to deny something just because you could'nt prove it exists. I'm asking you to open up your minds and  reconsider your stand, because I am about to present to you some logic and reason behind all this.

Before talking about Astrology, its customary to give an introduction to what it is. Astrology is basically a divinaton or the art of using signs to draw a connection between the stars & planets and the human lives. This connection helps us identify the nature of a particular humans and thereby helps us predict his future by refering up the stars. Sounds too much? Well its not. Here is a scientific explanation to all this.

We all would agree to the fact that planetary motions are periodic in nature, which means they come back to the same position after a given amount of time. So, they follow a cyclic pattern in their movements, always coming back to the inital position. The time of each cycle varies between celestial bodies. Lets assume that the whole universe has a certain period and the same events keep occuring in these periods. I'll call it the Universal Cycle just for reference. Now, human birth is a continuous process and there are always people being born within these periods. That said, its obvious that there are always people who were born in two different universal cycles having the same position of stars at the time of birth. So, keeping this concept in mind, for centuries, people have recorded the lives of humans for every single combination of positions of the stars for a given universal cycle. What follows is simply statistics. Probability theory introduces us to the concept of something called Expectation. Expectation is an estimate value for a certain given experiment that can be calculated based on the  previously calculated values of that experiment. It uses a probability weighted average to find this value. In simpler words, its basically an average of all the events occuring in the past for a particular setup of planets & stars and everything in the future is presumed to be close to this value for the same setup of celestial bodies. Doesn't sound so impossible anymore, does it?

Now, you're probably thinking that this only explains how we can derive the connections between humans born under the same positions of the planets and stars, but actually doesn't prove these positions would necessarily affect these people in the same way. Well I have a theory for that too. You see, every living creature on earth, including plants and microbes, exhibit a sort of pattern through out a period of 24-hours. This pattern is called The Circadian Rhythm (source: Circadian Rhythm) or more commonly The Biological Clock.

General Events in the body over a 24-Hour Period (Source: Wikipedia)

It has been observed that certain environmental components, most commonly the sun, has an effect on the functioning of the body. The body not only reacts to the environmental changes, but also entrains or adjusts itself with any change in the condition of the local environment. This is most commonly observed in cases when a person travels across timezones. The person experiences a jet lag for a brief time but his/her body eventually ends up aligning itself with the local environment. These changes are observable from outside, but what about the innumerable changes that are not so obvious to us from outside. And who is to say that the sun is the only source which affects us. It doesn't seem so far fetched anymore, does it, to think that the stars and planets actually can affect us in many ways which is still unknown to us? As a matter of fact, this points to a more interesting theory, that the sun and the stars not only affect humans but also other living organisms, for instance, your dog.

So, all non-believers out there, who think our lives are so independent from the other components of the universe, think again. I am ofcourse not suggesting that you start believing just anyone claiming to tell the future, because most of them, in my opinion, do not fully understand what they are talking about. Its not such a bad idea to keep an open mind when thinking about something impossible. As a french proverb says, "To belive something is impossible is to make it so". But hey, its just a theory. 

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